Thursday, June 15, 2006

Snapshots from Vegas - part one

(PICTURED: CAC board of directors members Nick Bockwinkel & Scott Teal joke around at the start of the event.)

This year had a much more easy-going feel, maybe due to the heat (which got up to around 110-degrees on certain days). We normally mert in April, but this year, due to scheduling conflicts, we had to settle for June. Fortunately, with the roof over Fremont Street, it was comfortable to stroll downtown.

Several new faces showed up this year. CAC president Red Bastien chatted with Dewey Robertson, AKA The Missing Link, who was there to promote his new book. Ron Miller, the Australian promoter and grappler, was there with a film crew to discuss the wrestling business in Australia and New Zealand with the numerous workers who performed in those countries during the 1960s, 70s and 80s.

*Photos courtesy of John Arthur Lowe*